‘Once everything is gone, there is art.’
Haus Musik: the classical alternative
In a world of political extremes and isolation, a crisis situation sometimes seems worryingly close. When the worst happens, the radio claims its place as communication of last resort, with music providing respite, comfort, and solace.
The beauty of Mozart, and the contemporary sounds of Canadian composer James Rolfe shone through the darkness in this concert of music for the end of time.
Director: Amanda Smith
Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra: John Abberger (oboe), Cristina Zacharias (violin), Patrick Jordan (viola), Margaret Gay (cello)
Modular Synth Artist: ACOTE
Alex, a survivor: Ally Smither
Lighting: Noah Feaver
Makeup: Erica Sun
Visual artist: Justine Smith (creating art live during performance)