“If Toronto, ON-based noisecore creeps the Love and Terror Cult were deadly on their 2007 eponymous full-length, they're wonderfully beyond help with the vicious aural defilement of We Are You On Fire. Expeditiously pushing needles so far into the red that they come spinning back full-circle, these 11 tracks are a rabid explosion of cacophonic shards firing straight into our sense of personal well-being. From opener "June Flew" through an odd Blonde Redhead-meets-Jucifer indie/death attack on "Anti-Sex" to the dirty pillaging of "Boot Tricks," this band's bastardized, hardcore-influenced art rock collides with eerie distortion and overwrought, angular guitar riffs. Together, it creates a stunning, freakish, menacing experience all in one stroke. (Independent)” - By Keith Carman, Published Sep 14, 2010

The Love and Terror Cult had exceeded well over 100 live shows by 2008, releasing two full-length self-produced albums as well as a split EP, and more recently re-released an album on vinyl with non-profit Heathen Hand Records.


Integrated Media


Short Film: Portrait of a Ghost, 2013